Our Carbon Neutral Commitment

Our Carbon Neutral Commitment
December 20, 2016

“I believe we have a problem with the way we are treating our environment. I do care about what we, humans, are doing to our land and water and what this will mean for our kids and future generations… and my big dilemma is; what can I do about it.”

It is no secret that fishing isn’t always the most environmentally friendly industry. At Austral Fisheries, this year alone, we will move through 8 million litres of diesel fuel. The uncomfortable reality of our environmental impact, and the impact of our industry peers, has never sat well with us. The CEO of Austral Fisheries, David Carter, has spent years grappling with this, trying to find the balance between a successful business strategy and sustainable practices. By facing this challenge, David found himself working towards a ground breaking solution.

In 2016, the team at Austral Fisheries have made a commitment to making the business completely carbon neutral. This means that for every tonne of carbon dioxide produced in the process of fishing and our operational footprint, we take the same amount back out of the environment. We are able to achieve this by investing in revegetation that will absorb an equal amount of carbon dioxide that Austral Fisheries emit. This makes us the first food business to be certified under the Australian Government Carbon Neutral Program.

Watch the short clip below, thanks to the students at the WA Screen Academy, to follow Austral’s journey from being a cause of the problem, to becoming a global leader in sustainable fishing practices.